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Bowen Island Garden Club Zoom Speaker Series: More than Bees

Your garden is home to many kinds of beneficial insects that pollinate your flowers, control pests and enrich your soils. Bowen Island naturalist Will Husby will share some of his prize winning photos and share some stories of the tiny creatures that help you create beautiful and bountiful gardens

A leaf-cutter bee, one of the many species of native bee that do a better job of flower pollination than the non-native honey bee.

A leaf-cutter bee, one of the many species of native bee that do a better job of flower pollination than the non-native honey bee.

Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, one of the many native butterflies and moths that pollinate Bowen flowers.

Western Tiger Swallowtail Butterfly, one of the many native butterflies and moths that pollinate Bowen flowers.

Ground Beetle: one of many species of voracious garden guardians that gobble up slugs, caterpillars and other garden pests.

Ground Beetle: one of many species of voracious garden guardians that gobble up slugs, caterpillars and other garden pests.