Winter in a Conifer Garden
January’s speaker event will differ slightly from most of our winter events. Instead of having someone at the front of a room speaking on a topic, we will have a presentation on Winter in a Conifer Garden IN a conifer garden. The event is scheduled for January 20 at 1:00 PM. Due to the nature of the event, attendance will be limited to 20 people, and attendees will need to contact the event organizer to get on the attendee list. Slots on the list will be given out on a “first come” basis. (Details below.)
Winter in a conifer garden is not so different from the other seasons. There is less colour, and no ‘froth’ of the deciduous plants like maples, but the stalwarts and bones are there.
Come and walk around our garden to see how much can be present in the winter. Chat about how to grow conifers and combine them with other plants such as rhododendrons, maples, and clematis. Bring your questions! We’ll look at how to protect the plants from bucks rubbing their antlers, winter cold, or heavy snow… we can talk about pruning or any care hints you’d like to know about. It’s up to you!
This will be an ‘interactive’ afternoon rather than a traditional talk. Rain or shine but maybe not if it’s snowing!
To get onto the attendee list please email Lisa O'Donnell ( ). Include the number of people who will be attending in your party. The address and event details will be sent to the first 20 people.