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Bowen Island Garden Club Home Grown Speakers Series: Water in Your Garden

In the dry summer drought do you ever think about all the rain that falls on Bowen most of the year? Have you ever considered water collection and water conservation?

Please join the Garden Club on Monday, November 15th at 7 p.m. for the second in our "Home Grown" speakers series. Doug Elliott and Cathy Robertson explore seven different Bowen Island gardens and ask their gardeners how they collect and conserve water. Garden Club members David and Aubin van Berckel, Peggy Blackwood, Phil Gregory, David and Ainslie Manson, Virginia Penny, the Vyner family, as well as Doug Elliott, showcase their methods of collecting water, ranging from large tanks to drip irrigation to regenerative agriculture. Following the 20-minute video there will be a brief Q and A period where you can ask the owners questions and get ideas. All of this from the comfort of your own home via the magic of ZOOM!